Values Driven - Business Start Up Course

Phase 1
“Foundations of Business” covers the following topics: Managing a Values Driven Business; Business Mismanagement; Wise Business Management; Reasons for Business Success or Failure; Discovering Your Personal Values; Wise Decision Making; Developing your Business Idea; Market Driven Business; Developing a Marketing Plan; Market Research

Phase 2
“Wise Financial Management” covers the following topics: Liability; Record Keeping; Accounting; Coding; Profit and Loss; Chart of Accounts; Balance Sheets; Understanding Cash Flow; Calculating Costs; Budgeting; Start-Up Capital; Policies and Procedures; Writing a Business Plan

Phase 3
“Launching, Managing and Growing Your Business,” covers the following topics: Being a Good Leader; Relationships & Business; Marketing; Leading Your Business; Writing a Mission Statement; Who to Hire; How to Reach Your Goal; Building Customer Relationships & Sales; Social Media Marketing; Customer Service; Budget Planning; Understanding Contracts; Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable; Cash Management & Discounts; Creating a Strategic Plan; Plans, Goals & Actions; Creating a Management Plan; Finalizing the Business Plan

“I wanted to start my own business, but I had no idea what to do or how to do it. Maju Global gave me a solid foundation and set me up for success.”
Eric F.
Values Driven
Business Start Up Course
Have a positive impact on your community and start a successful business.
Start Today